COVID Safety + Prevention Plan

Curating space for the reclamation of your self-worth

As the founder of a small business that exists to disrupt racial trauma by promoting whole-body wellness, I am intimately familiar with the demands of a social system predicated on over-extension, workaholism, burnout and sleepwalking.
I walk alongside those ready to disentangle themselves from these toxic tendencies.
This interview style session is a place to begin. If the Enneagram is new to you or you’ve taken assessments and are still unsure about which type structure you embody, this session is for you. By deepening your understanding of the Enneagram as a typology system and learning through stories about your experiences, we will discover a fresh starting point in your pursuit of personal growth, healing and liberation. At the end of this time, you will be equipped with tools and resources to support your next steps.
If you are craving clarity and a new way through, this six-part bundle is for you. You are more than your Enneagram type. You are the complex intersection of your experiences, your identity and your body. Through a somatic approach and a commitment to antiracism, in this offering you will find an invitation to rediscover the self-worth, self-awareness and self-compassion that liberates. Arielle will accompany you on your journey toward healthier connections as you break free from the reactive patterns that have been keeping you stuck.
If you are looking to realize something new in the world, this entrepreneurial project and strategy support offering is for you. With tenderness, excitement and perhaps some trepidation, you’ve been holding onto a dream but may be unsure how to proceed. Arielle will support the realization of your vision. With thoughtful questions and tactful curiosity, She can draw out the essential elements of your endeavor and guide you toward the practical steps it will require to take action.
Many of us have quieted our intuition, silenced our essential self and punished the parts of ourselves that pose a threat to belong - to survive.​
I'm here to co-create a soft place so that you might encounter the fullness of who you are. I will gently remind you that you are worthy of your greatest longings. We will practice tending to that ache for love, rest and ease by loosening your grip on armor for